How to Go About Gas Boiler Installation

Installing a new gas boiler is an exciting time. A HVAC contractor will shut off the gas meter, remove the old unit and reconnect the water valves and gas pipe to the new boiler.

The installers will cover carpets and surfaces, take the necessary safety precautions and work safely and efficiently. They should leave no mess behind (except maybe a few biscuit crumbs! For more information, click here.


The average cost of a boiler installation depends on a few factors. The type of boiler you choose, fuel source and installation labor are among them. You also have to consider other expenses like ductwork, gas line hookup and asbestos removal.

The size of your home also impacts the price. A larger boiler is usually more expensive than a smaller one. The brand you choose and its features are other factors.

A gas boiler heats water and steam using natural or propane gas. It operates much like a controlled furnace. Its combustion process burns carbon-based fuel with oxygen, converting it into hot water and steam for heating the house and producing carbon dioxide. It releases the gases through a flue. Ductwork and gas lines are additional costs associated with a new boiler. Your contractor might have to check and repair leaky ducts or install new ones. They may also have to run a new gas line to connect the boiler with your meter.

Energy Efficiency

The energy efficiency of your new gas boiler can save you money on heating bills. The optimum energy efficiency will depend on your home’s size and climate. For example, a larger home in a cold area needs a bigger boiler than a smaller apartment in a warm environment. The installer will help you calculate your BTU needs and ensure your system is properly sized to maximize energy efficiency.

The type of fuel you use also affects energy efficiency. Natural gas is the most common option because it provides economical heat with low emissions. Liquid propane gas is another popular choice, especially in rural areas without access to natural gas lines.

During installation, experts will perform a procedure called commissioning to verify that your boiler is operating correctly and at peak performance. This can prevent problems and extend your boiler’s lifespan. In addition, it can reduce your energy bills by up to 15% if done annually.


Safety is one of the most important considerations for any homeowner when installing a boiler. A poorly installed boiler could lead to dangerous gas leaks and carbon monoxide poisoning. Choosing a qualified installer is essential to ensure your new boiler is safe and operating correctly.

When choosing a new boiler, it’s important to consider its size and capacity, energy efficiency rating, fuel type, and site survey. Ideally, the boiler should be located in an area that’s easily accessible to water lines, gas lines, electrical outlets, and a flue for ventilation. The installation site must also be free of clutter and debris to allow the engineer to work safely.

Additionally, the pipework should be carefully planned to prevent any potential leaks or corrosion. Ensure the appropriate pipe sizes are used and that all fittings are tightly secured. Also, be sure to follow the IO&M manual’s venting specifications when installing a gas boiler. This will help prevent any leaks and maximize efficiency.


The gas boiler installation process can be lengthy and disruptive. However, homeowners can take a few precautions to ensure the process runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible. The first step is to clear the area surrounding the boiler and radiators so the engineers have easy access. This will minimise disruption and protect your home from damage.

You can also save time and money by ensuring the boiler is properly sized. Oversized boilers cycle on and off frequently, wasting energy. Undersized boilers may run constantly at maximum capacity, causing them to overheat and reduce performance. Working with qualified professionals can help you determine the correct size boiler for your hydronic system.

Depending on the type of boiler you choose, your contractor might need to change your existing ductwork or install new lines. This could extend the project duration, especially if asbestos is discovered during the inspection. Also, if the boiler is located in an uninsulated room, you may need to install insulation.